EV Cam READ Cased Hole

READ Cased Hole and EV team up in Alaska with downhole video technology

World-leading cased hole logging specialist, READ Cased Hole, is delighted to announce a new collaboration in Alaska with EV, the market leader in downhole visual analytics.

Working in partnership within Alaska, READ is now the selected operator of EV’s cutting-edge downhole video technology which enables vivid, high definition video providing a complete 360° picture from inside the wellbore.

EV’s camera technology is wholly complementary with READ’s portfolio of well integrity services, including multifinger calipers that provide accurate evaluation of a well’s accessibility and structural integrity, as well as expert data analytics.   Moreover, READ can deploy its calipers together with EV technology in a single run, in memory or real-time and on any conveyance, to give oilfield operators an unrivalled level of downhole insight.

Bruce Melvin, READ CEO said, “We are excited to join forces with EV and their pioneering camera technology in Alaska. This partnership is further evidence of READ’s commitment to the Alaskan market by bringing the most innovative solutions to local operators. Working collaboratively with EV, we can leverage our technologies to create efficiencies and ultimately reduce operating costs for customers in the region.”

READ will be integrating EV cameras into both its Kenai and North Slope service offerings, which are available for 24/7 call-out and backed by both companies’ exceptional track records in Service Quality performance and delivery.

The EV video system features both downview and sideview colour cameras for full wellbore coverage, providing high quality imagery even in marginal fluid conditions. Adding EV-Epidote data analysis software to the mix, end users also benefit from detailed and quantified information which helps them extract maximum value from their acquired data.

Carl Strubberg, Global Operations Manager of EV commented, “By partnering with READ in Alaska, we will be able to reduce our response time to our valued customers in the region, while continuing to provide our downhole visual diagnostic services with the exceptional level of support to which they are accustomed.”

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